As event planners, we have an eye for catching trends as they start. This is a list of six up-and-coming trends that we expect to see in the fast-approaching spring and summer 2024 wedding season. Your wedding should be a day that is perfect for you and wedding trends can help you achieve that personalized unforgettable wedding all while keeping it new and fresh!

1. Bold Colors

Bold colors are making a comeback for 2024 weddings, and we are LOVING it! Couples are opting for deeper hues and unique color palettes that showcase their awesome style. Jewel tones like emerald green, ruby red, moody purple, and sapphire blue are some of the most popular choices we have seen for spring weddings. These colors are being used for everything from bridesmaid dresses and floral arrangements to table settings and décor. While we still love the traditional color pallets, we are loving getting to play around with these bold and fun colors!

2. Unique Venues

Couples are seeking unique venues for their weddings, including museums, libraries, and botanical gardens. Honestly, anything can be a wedding venue if you want it to be! We have seen old historical houses turn into a beachy floral wedding day, the possibilities are endless. The use of non-traditional wedding venues gives couples a chance to showcase their personality in their own fun way or even be a meaningful place to your relationship. These venues can offer a different ambiance, making them perfect for couples who want their weddings to stand out.

3. Statement Aisles

A statement wedding aisle is such a fun way to get your personality included in the ceremony. These aisles will definitely give your guests something to remember! To start planning your own unique wedding aisle, start by pulling inspiration from Pinterest, google, or social media and then consult with your wedding planner on how to bring it to life!

4. Intimate Weddings

Intimate weddings continue to be a trend for spring and summer, with couples choosing a smaller guest list to allow for a more personalized and intimate experience. This lets couples focus on creating a more meaningful celebration with close family and friends. With a smaller party, you as the couple can invest in a more extravagant special day! If you’re a foodie, imagine the delicious food you could have catered, or all the fun signature cocktails you can create! The possibilities are endless when you are catering fewer guests’ needs.

5. Personalization

Personalization is key! With couples incorporating unique and meaningful elements into their celebrations, it is more true than ever that no two weddings are alike. From customized menus and signature cocktails to incorporating family heirlooms or sentimental items into the decorations, couples are embracing their personal stories and infusing their weddings with unique touches that reflect their relationship, personalities, family stories, and so much more!

6. Getting Creative With the Photos

Recent trends in getting those perfect pictures from their special day include getting “love drunk” blurry photos, disposable cameras for the guests, and making the most of the time with your photographer. Getting those trendy blurry photos are absolutely adorable and look perfectly candid. And speaking of candid, giving your guests disposable cameras creates the cutest and funniest pictures from the eyes of your guests! I mean who doesn’t want to look back and see how much fun your guests had? We love when our couples get creative with it and fake an early exit to get the pictures before carrying on the party to be able to send the photographer home early! All these ways can capture the best memories from your perfect day!